Spread Cheer and Kindness

Be sweet on sweetest day.

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Happy Sweetest Day! This lovely holiday originated in Cleveland, OH and was formed around the idea of giving a little joy (in the form of candy!) to orphans, the elderly, and others in need. We at TDQ hope that our quipples bring you a dose of joy, today and every day, and we love this holiday and its mission! The world desperately needs more joy, cheer, and kindness. Let’s all do our part on this Sweetest Day and try to do something nice for someone! Whether you give them sweets or are just sweet to them, it will make both their day and yours much sweeter.

Change Can Be Good

Try a new approach.

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Yesterday’s quipple talked about taking steps towards a goal, but sometimes we can get stuck. This lovable robot helpfully suggests that you try a new approach! This is also wise advice even if you’re not stuck. Sometimes just mixing things up and approaching something you do all the time in a totally different way can be fun or illuminating! Thanks robot friend!