LOVE this one! I am actually reading a book about this right now. Very interesting to think about, and very true
Loving all your Daily Quipples and this one in particular. And I agree…it reminds me so much of Brene Brown’s book The Gifts of Imperfection.
Brene’s book is on my list too. I just finished her first one and starting The Gifts… soon, but really can’t wait to get to Daring Greatly!
LOVE this one! I am actually reading a book about this right now. Very interesting to think about, and very true
Thanks Tina! Mind if I ask what book? I’ve been wanting to read Brene Brown’s book on vulnerability.
Loving all your Daily Quipples and this one in particular. And I agree…it reminds me so much of Brene Brown’s book The Gifts of Imperfection.
Brene’s book is on my list too. I just finished her first one and starting The Gifts… soon, but really can’t wait to get to Daring Greatly!