Those Lightbulb Moments

You have great ideas!

Note from the artist: One of J & K’s best ideas EVER was to start The Daily Quipple! I am so thankful for their initial “light bulb moment,” even before we thought of the word “quipple.” Now, I can’t imagine life without TDQ and the millions of additional ideas that have exploded from its creation.

Feels Good to Do It Yourself!

Make something. Little K says, "I made this cotton candy!"

Whether or not you consider yourself an “artist” or a creator, no one can deny how good it feels to make something yourself. Using your hands and creativity, think of all the wonderful things you can make! Food, crafts, clothing, doodles, music…the possibilities are endless. And whether or not you are pleased with the end result, YOU will then have MADE something! The TDQ team (obviously) loves creating, and sharing our efforts with others. That’s the best part! So, make something today (even if you don’t have a cotton candy maker like Little K!), and don’t be afraid to get messy or make mistakes. It’s all part of the process.