Young at Heart

Joy Tip: "As soon as you feel too old to do a thing, do it!" -Margaret Deland

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I don’t know about you, but there’s almost nothing I love more than stories of people doing extraordinary things in their 90s and beyond, like this 102-year-old woman going back to college. Age is just a number, after all, and one that we all too often let define us or hold us back. Let’s all continue to pursue our goals, dreams, and passions until our final breaths!

Get Out Today and Find the Joy of the Season!

I love Fall.

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This is K speaking, and I must say this is a special day for me! As you may have noticed if you’ve seen our About page, today’s quipple uses the K character. It is an honor to be quippled, and I really do love Fall – it is by far my favorite season! T has captured beautifully in this quipple a few of my favorite things about Autumn: the brilliant colors of the changing and falling leaves, and the change to wearing cozier clothes as the heat dissipates and the air begins to feel a bit crisp. Even if Fall isn’t your favorite, try to get out today and find something to enjoy about this beautiful time of year! Please share in the comments your favorite thing about Fall.