Trouble Troubles You

"Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you." [American proverb]

Trouble Troubles You

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you,
This is a saying old in years, but with a message true,
For if you borrow trouble you will surely run in debt,
And if you buy on trust, I’m sure you will have cause to fret.
For trouble is a breeder of trouble, through and through,
So never borrow trouble till trouble troubles you.

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you,
By this I do not mean that you shall get a selfish view;
If others are in trouble, just lend a helping hand
Of sympathy and friendship, but this is my command–
While trouble is a blessing from many points of view–
Yet never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you,
But when it comes just meet it with an optimistic view,
Though skies are gray and cloudy just smile a bit and say,
“The sun will shine tomorrow and chase the clouds away.”
Be generous, unselfish, be loyal, brave and true,
But never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

–Miss Caroline L. Sumner, American Cookery, Boston Cooking School Magazine, 1921

Hold a Hand

"Life is full of changes so hold a hand a little longer." [Charlotte Adelsperger]

Here is another quote from Charlotte Adelsperger, inspiring author and friend of TDQ. As she wrote to us, these words touch on many experiences, including a child growing up, a person going into the military or losing a loved one. As most of us have experienced at least one of these changes, let’s all aim to hold a hand a little longer this week, for relationships are the most precious thing we have.