In the Middle of It All

In the middle of it all… find gratitude.

Click here to download a high-resolution digital print of this quipple.

It is easy to note what we are grateful for during joyful, peaceful, carefree times. But when things are stressful, unsure, and unstable: THIS is when we most need to find gratitude. In the middle of it all. What are you grateful for during this particular season of your life?

Gratitude Out Loud

Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone. [G.B. Sterr]

Buy a high-resolution printable copy of this quipple for only $0.99!

A very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. This is a special holiday for TDQ family as we love to reflect on our blessings from the previous year. We’d love to hear you shout out your gratitude in the comments!